Improve Your Health with Beta Glucan!

There are so many supplements out there that market to boost the immune system but do they really? I went on a search to find research based supplements to help prevent the common cold. What I found was surprising...

A derivative of Baker's Yeast called Beta Glucan!

One of the best supplements to boost your immune system

Wellmune is a unique beta glucan 1, 3/1, 6, a natural complex carbohydrate derived from the cell wall of a specific strain of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). 

Here's some compelling research that convinced me to give it a try!

  • 58% reduction in cold/flu symptoms in adults who took 250 mg of Wellmune daily for 12 weeks

  • 62% reduction of cold/flu symptoms in self identified stressed women

  • 27% reduction in average allergy symptoms and 52% reduction in severity of symptoms

  • During a 12-week study, 85% of children in the placebo group had at least one episode of infectious illness while only 47% of children in a 35mg Wellmune group and 32% of children in a 75mg Wellmune group experienced infectious illness.

*This is not intended to be medical advice. If you have questions, please talk with your provider at your next appointment. This clinic has received no incentives for promoting this product.


Spring has Sprung!